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C# and Selenium WebDriver – learn how to automate acceptance tests for www

Date to be agreed
3 days

We'll show you how:

  • To find yourself in the world of web acceptance test automation;
  • Deal with the unstable test – you will learn the tools to deal with these problems;
  • Start your adventure with automation and have a solid foundation for further development.

If you take part in the training, you will find out:

  • How to wait for elements in tests;
  • How to create a clear test report that allows you to attach test screenshots;
  • How to build stable tests and how to deal with test errors.

The advantages of training:

  • The course has been created and lead by an expert, passionate about building and maintaining test frameworks;
  • We focus on programming practice – during the training you will receive specific skills, which will allow you to implement the acquired knowledge later;
  • You will do a lot of exercises, and Michał will help you solve and understand the problems encountered.

Additional benefits for your employer:

  • Practical implementation in the world of web acceptance test automation;
  • Learn good practices for building tests;
  • This is a much cheaper way than employee research, which can take several months;
  • You will receive a ready-made solution, which will allow you to implement yourself efficiently into the automation.

We welcome:

  • Manual testers and managers who did not write automatic tests;
  • Those who think about extending their competences to more technical ones;
  • Managers who want to understand the essence of the challenges of web acceptance test automation.

We guarantee:

  • Training materials developed by trainer Michał Ślęzak;
  • Properly prepared computers;
  • Certificate of completion of the training;
  • Lunch and coffee break;
  • Surprise for each participant ?

Additionally, we host an evening party for the interested.



Day 1 - We create several programs from scratch and learn the basics of the various elements of the C# programming language.

What is C#? - where it comes from, a basic theory.
What is IDE? - We learn and discuss the development environment.
What are control instructions? - examples, working together on practical tasks, individual help of a trainer.
What are methods and variables? - examples, working together on practical tasks, individual help of a trainer.
Basic collections - various ways of storing data in C#.
We implement subsequent programs on the basis of previously learned elements / help with the speaker's computers.
Block - questions and answers.

Day 2 - Getting to know the basics of the WebDriver Selenium with C#

What are acceptance tests?
Why use them?
How to keep the tests balanced?
What is Selenium WebDriver?
What is NUnit / XUnit?
What is R#?
R# support in tests Assertions - What are they? When to use them?
Finding items on pages - CSS Selector, XPath, ID.
What is IWebElement?
We are writing our first test on ChromeDriver for a test page (live coding).
We learn about Selenium WebDriver syntax.
We customize our test for FirefoxDriver.
We improve our first test - we add dynamic explicit wait. Selection of waiting in Selenium WebDriver - different possibilities.
We start the test from the console - implementation - How to use NUnit Console Runner.
Actions on the page - Waiting for an element and typing text, choosing from dropdown element, scrolling to element and clicking.
Generating pseudo-random data and placing it in the fields on the Next test exercises page.
Discussion panel.

Day 3 - Learning more about the advanced aspects of Selenium WebDriver + C#

What is Page Object Pattern?
We learn popular patterns in acceptance tests. Example of a test using Page Object Pattern (live coding).
We adjust the tests from the previous day to Page Object Pattern.
We find out what Extension Methods are - we create for a class supporting dynamic waiting.
We add a report to the tests - Allure.
We introduce FluentAssertions - we change current assertions to Fluent Assertions.
We save screenshots from tests.
What is a CI system - We use AppVeyor?
What is Selenium Grid? We use Selenoid.
Discussion panel

The value of a 24-hour workshop:

Live workshop - 2-day intensive, practical workshops, conducted by a professional with many years of experience. - PLN 3980
Support - access to a closed group, where you can always ask questions and learn more. Value: 900 PLN

Get to know the coach


Michał Ślęzak

Developer test engineer, blogger, testing parrot - podcast

The author and lecturer of C# and Selenium WebDriver workshops – learn how to automate acceptance tests for www.

He worked in small, medium and large organizations. Blogger, writing on topics related to software testing and automation in IT in general – testingplus.me.

He published in Programmista Magazine and in industry portals.

One of the leaders of PTaQ.org, the first tester meeting in Poland and Testing Parrot – a podcast related to software testing. One of the organizers of PTaQ Day conference. He implemented automation from scratch in several projects.

He has successfully reduced test execution time by four times when using the same server. He looks for places where automation can help. Likes to conduct presentations and workshops related to test automation.

T Testimonials


Jarosław Modzelewski,

Support and Test Automation Director,

B2B.net S.A. conducts services with great care and quality. The employees of B2B.net S.A. that were leading the project have demonstrated appropriate knowledge of the technologies used in implementing the system. The production launch of the system was successful and finished on the date agreed by both parties.

Piotr Cywiński,

IT Project Manager,
Raiffeisen Polbank

We cooperate with B2Bnetwork in the body leasing model of specialists in the field of testing and implementation of fixed-price projects. The projects delegated to B2Bnetwork are carried out professionally with great care and maintaining high quality standards. We recommend B2Bnetwork as a solid and reliable supplier.

Agnieszka Szopa-Maziutkiewicz,

IT Director,
BIK Group

In April 2016, B2Bnetwork has successfully implemented and continues to work on the development of the proprietary test factory platform, supporting test automation processes.

Michał Gorczyca,

IT Director,
Cardif BNP Paribas Group

B2Bnetwork has implemented an internal test management tool, provides QA consulting services and delivers specialists in the area of acceptance and system tests in the IT outsourcing model. All tasks carried out by B2Bnetwork are done with great commitment, as required and professionally.

Grzegorz Sudzik,

Project Management Deputy Director,
Brokerage House BOŚ

The projects delegated to B2B.net S.A. have been carried out professionally, with great care and maintaining high quality standards. The following scope of work was conducted:

  • Methodology and approach towards test automation
  • Tool implementation and environment set for test automation (Selenium WebDriver)
  • Methodology for supplying test data
  • Defined range of regression tests covered by test automation

Have you got questions?

Please contact us!

Artur Twardowski Business Development Manager +48 795 022 922