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Performance Testing

We test and monitor the performance of web, mobile and desktop applications.

A composite area of tests verifying the behaviour of applications while working with multiple users.
  • testing of response time
  • detection of so-called ?bottlenecks?
  • verification:
    - problems sharing resources
    - system capacities
    - system behaviour depending on the user's location
    - problems occur during prolonged use.

In our approach, we focus on the set goal, which is why the projects we implement include:
  • creation of proprietary tools,
  • verification of various platform configurations on the client side,
  • verification of processing efficiency depending on the browser used,
  • performance tests taking into account the user interface,
  • analysis of the content and structure of exchanged messages,
  • distribution of the required computing power between the servers of the customer.

Ensuring optimal operation of IoT/IIoT devices begins with creating an efficient program.

We perform static code analysis, ensuring security and eliminating unstable behaviour of end devices. The APIs used for communication are not easy to verify due to the variety of protocols used and the lack of a user interface (e.g. braking systems), which is why we work with many protocols and physical layers (e.g. GSM).


Stages of implementation of the sample project of a performance test

Proof of <b>Concept</b>
Proof of Concept
Test <b>scenarios<b> + Environment
Test scenarios + Environment
<b>Performance</b> Tests
Performance Tests
Interpretation <b>of results</b>
Interpretation of results
<b>Final</b> report
Final report
Post-implementation <b>consultation</b>
Post-implementation consultation
<b>Reference</b> tests
Reference tests
Stages of implementation in detail:

Stages of implementation in detail:

  • The analysis of project features and definition of the approach. The stage includes review of the "technological stack", how the system is used, its recipients. At this stage, the exchange of traffic is also analysed in terms of structure and content,
  • The creation of the solution "Proof of concept" confirming the possibility of carrying out the project,
  • The creation of test scenarios and the preparation of the environment,
  • The conduction of the capacity tests and the assessing of the effectiveness of applying any corrections,
  • The description of the interpretation of the results in the final report,
  • The post-implementation consultations and reference tests.

The models of the cooperation

Customer teams

The service is dedicated to the Customers having project teams. We give you the possibility to provide you quickly with the missing competences.

The teams at the headquarters of the B2Bnetwork

We can use our hardware and software. We implement the system that gives you the chance to make monitoring in a constant way.

The models of the accounting

Fixed - Price

The determined area of the project, the requirements, the time of realization and the price.


The budget of the project depends on the work needed to be carried out.

Time&Material with a limit

We determine the area of activities with a limit on the budget and the time of realization.

    Please check if we're able to help you in software testing.

    Please make an appointment with us for a short conversation of a few minutes and in the course of our meeting we'll prove together if the cooperation with us will bring any changes for your project.

    Have you got questions?

    Please contact us!